Author Archives: John

Waiting to Take Social Security Benefits

Many people will depend on Social Security for retirement income.  Because Social Security is such an important part of retirement, maximizing what you get is vital.  Here are some important points to understand.  First, the retirement age rises gradually.  If you were born after 1960 the retirement age is 67.  That means that if youContinue Reading

Social Media and Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes

As social media platforms increase, the lines are being blurred on what is acceptable to post online. There have been instances in nursing homes where a patient’s privacy has been violated. Nursing home attendants have posted embarrassing and degrading pictures of their patients on social media, namely Snapchat and Facebook. Unfortunately, many patients fail toContinue Reading

Using Your Assets for Good Can Trigger Medicaid Penalties

If you are in good health and are helping your children or another family member pay for their bills with your money, then fall ill, and apply for Medicaid all within a five year period, you may be viewed as having transferred assets to qualify for Medicaid. If this happens the state will almost certainlyContinue Reading

Estate Planning for DINKs (Double Income No Kids)

If you are married and do not have kids, you might think that you do not need to make an estate plan. However, if you do not create one, the state law governs distribution of your assets. If however, you want to leave your estate to family, friends, or charity, you need a written estateContinue Reading

Update Your Beneficiaries After Major Life Changes

It is easy to forget about changing your beneficiaries for retirement plans, investment accounts, insurance policies and your IRA, but if you have recently gotten divorced or remarried or had a death in the family, it is important to update these designations. Your spouse is the primary beneficiary of your 401(k), unless they sign aContinue Reading