Author Archives: John


Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Widows/Widowers and Financial Responsibilities

When a spouse dies the surviving spouse may be unprepared for the financial responsibilities both spouses used to handle. To prepare, both spouses should know how to budget, understand their investments, retirement finances, social security and know where life insurance policies, safe deposit boxes and keys, and investment accounts are located. Consider attending workshops thatContinue Reading

Widows/Widowers and Social Security

Many adults look forward to collecting social security benefits once they retire. The problem comes when your spouse dies and you have to choose between receiving earnings based on your work history or survivor benefits based on your deceased spouse’s work history. You cannot collect both benefits. One strategy is to take the smaller benefitContinue Reading

Happy Veteran’s Day to All Who Have Served

Living Comfortably in Retirement

There are a few things you can do to live comfortably in retirement. First, you can practice living on less. Put more of your monthly income into savings while you’re working so that you will know what it is like to live on less when you are retired and do not have a steady salary.Continue Reading