Author Archives: John

Living Abroad – Paying Taxes on Foreign Accounts

Over 8 million U.S. citizens and green-card holders live abroad, which means millions of Americans have foreign accounts. However, many Americans fail to comply with IRS reporting requirements. The regulations for filing and disclosing international accounts are complex and yield severe penalties for failure to report and pay tax. In 2009, the US began strictlyContinue Reading

Of IRA’s and Taxes

(from “Death and Taxes, The Sequel”) Most people do not need to worry about federal estate taxes. However, retirees should be concerned with taxes imposed on their retirement accounts. Stretch IRAs, which allow beneficiaries to gradually draw funds out of retirement accounts, may become a thing of the past. Instead, beneficiaries may eventually be requiredContinue Reading

Lively, Festive and Enjoyable Senior Day 2015

As you can see, Senior Day is a family affair at Hugg & Associates. We always enjoy meeting lots of interesting people and sharing many wonderful stories, while giving away a healthy snack. Our family looks forward to making Senior Day special again next year.

Senior Day

Come join us today at Bothell Country Village from 11 – 4 pm for a day to celebrate seniors!

Married With(out) Children: Planning Ahead

It is important to have an estate plan that reflects one’s wishes in case of death or illness, especially for married couples with or without children. Many married couples without children need to decide who they want to leave assets to and who they trust to make their medical and financial decisions in case theyContinue Reading