Author Archives: John

New Roles

Beginning in January 2014, John will join the board of directors for both the Bothell Chamber of Commerce and the Northshore Senior Center.


I get a fair number of questions about POLST forms.  So here’s a brief synopsis.  POLST stands for Physicians Order for Life Sustaining Treatment.  The POLST form is not a substitute for an advanced directive but is intended to “summarize” a person’s wishes regarding life sustaining treatment.  The form is not created by an attorney. Continue Reading

Planning for Long Term Care Can Pay Big Dividends

Planning for long term care can pay big dividends if you plan ahead.  We’ve all heard the numbers, approximately 10,000 baby boomers reach retirement age each day.  For individuals over age 65 there is a better than 70% chance they will need some type of long term care services during their lifetime.  With the costContinue Reading

Asset Protection 101: Buy Insurance

Everyone should buy insurance.  Asset protection planning is not a substitute for insurance.  Liability and professional insurance should be your first line of defense against a lawsuit.  Trusts, entities and other asset protection vehicles are merely a supplement to insurance.  If you are a professional you should carry the appropriate malpractice insurance and have highContinue Reading

Have Investment Property? Protect Yourself

If you have investment property or expect to invest in real estate, you should create a business entity to own the property in order to protect yourself.  Then if a tenant or other person sues you for an injury they sustained while on the property, only the assets in the company (the property itself) willContinue Reading