Author Archives: John

Good News

Last week a single mother contacted our office about filing for bankruptcy.  On the day of her appointment, she called and cancelled stating a family member had paid off ALL her debt.  Its not often we hear such great news.  We are very happy to hear of her good fortune.  


Tomorrow, don’t forget to attend Bothell’s annual Senior Citizen Day celebration in the heart of downtown.  Come enjoy music, shopping, food, tours and prizes.  The event kicks off at the corner of Main Street and 101st, starts at 10 a.m. and runs until 2 p.m.It is presented by the Bothell Chamber of Commerce and sponsoredContinue Reading

What Happens if You Don’t Have a Will?

Contrary to many people’s belief, your assets will not necessarily pass to the state if you don’t have a Will.  In all likelihood, Washington State’s laws of intestacy will apply to pass assets to your heirs.  Only if you have no heirs to receive your estate would your assets go to the State of Washington. Continue Reading

Estate Planning Seminar

Join John Hugg on Friday, September 6 at Peter Kirk Community Center in Kirkland starting at 12:45, for a seminar outlining advance directives including Powers of Attorney and Living Wills.


Listen to John Hugg at 4 pm today on Brashenomics (KKNW 1150 AM) when he discusses the various aspects of selling a business.