Author Archives: John

Sudoku Players Beware!

Beware of an email promising you free, unlimited sudoku games because the email may contain an easy way for con artists to install malware on your computer.  Learn more at the link below. Malware is a program that installs malicious software on personal or business computers. Malware programs create a range of problems, from collectingContinue Reading

Protect Your Parents – Spotting Signs of Elder Financial Abuse

It’s always been important to protect family money, but with the difficult economy, it’s now more important than ever.  One way to help mom and dad maintain money for their retirement, is to avoid losing it to fraud or financial abuse.  Learn to recognize signs of potential abuse.  Some of the signs are: Changes inContinue Reading

Fraud Fighters

Whether through the mailbox, the telephone or the Internet, criminals are finding creative ways into people’s homes. Half of those victims are age 50 and older. Being able to recognize consumer scams can reduce the likelihood of being victimized by more than 50 percent. Learn how to protect yourself! April 23, 12:45-2 p.m. at theContinue Reading

Savvy Social Security Planning

Free workshop starting at 3 pm on March 28 at Brew Coffee Shop in Bothell!  This informative seminar covers the basics of Social Security and reveals strategies for maximizing your benefits.


Be sure to listen in tomorrow on KKNW 1150 AM to hear John talk about business succession planning between 4-5 pm!