Author Archives: John

Discounts for Senior Citizens

Hugg & Associates wants to remind our clients and friends that the City of Bothell offers discounts for qualifying senior citizens for water & sewer service. You can find more information and fill out an application to receive a 25% discount at the Bothell City website, or call 425-486-6250, ext.1.


Listen in tomorrow to Brashenomics on KKNW 1150 AM between 4 – 5 pm where John will be talking about how you can help take care of your parents.

Two Ways to Help Your Parents

Many older individuals live on a fixed income of Social Security.  That can make paying for major expenses such as a car, a new roof, or perhaps an uncovered medical bill extremely difficult and stressful.  Often times, when a child has the ability to help out financially, they do.  Here are two basic ways toContinue Reading

Want to Help Your Parents: Create an “Upward Trust”

Are concerned about how your parents will pay for the basic necessities during retirement, or pay for long term care or uncovered medical bills?  If so, there are a number of ways relatively affluent adult children can help.  One way is to set up an Upward Trust.  This trust is so called because it isContinue Reading

Ribbon Cutting & Open House Celebration!

Ribbon Cutting and Open House Celebration! Please join us for drinks and hors d’oeuvers to celebrate the ribbon cutting & opening of our new office. Thursday, February 7, 2013 starting at 5:30 pm. Good food and fun! Hope you can make it! 10308 NE 183rd St. Bothell, WA 98011 Corner of 183rd & 104th Street