Author Archives: John

Tax Free Gifts

Check out the newest video of John on Brashenomics talking about tax free gifts.

Advanced Directives Seminar

Next Tuesday, October 23, 2012, from 12:45 – 2:00 p.m. John will be conducting a seminar on “Advance Directives” at the Northshore Senior Center in Bothell, Washington.  The class focuses on aspects of Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, medical and end of life decisions.  The program is sponsored by Evergreen Health.

Providing for your child after you are gone

Aside from your love, probably the greatest gift you can give your children to provide for them.  But how do you provide for your kids if you’re not alive?  Basically, you need a plan.  It does not have to be complicated or unduly expensive.  First, have a qualified attorney prepare your Wills.  In your WillsContinue Reading

Top Reasons to Make or Change Your Estate Plan

The following address some of the most common life events and changes in law that support getting your estate plan updated: The birth or adoption of a child; A child(ren) having reached the age of majority who may now be able to assist in your estate plan as an executor, trustee, or act on yourContinue Reading

3rd Annual Senior Day

Bothell’s Annual Senior Celebration Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Bothell’s Senior Day Celebration is upon us once again!  Join the Northshore Senior Center and Greater Bothell Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, September 11, 2012, and be a part of this growing tradition of honoring our seniors.  Shop at the stores on Main Street, dine at theContinue Reading