Author Archives: John

To tap federal tax benefits of CCRCs, see your CPA

The following is a recent Chicago Tribune article discussing the various tax implications of moving to a Continuing Care Retirement Community.  As with all tax matters the issues are somewhat tricky so instead of attempting to summarize the information, we have set forth the article in full. Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) are increasingly popularContinue Reading

The Benefits of House Sharing as a Senior

A recent study examined a new trend; among seniors who rent out a portion of their home.  House sharing is an economical option for seniors who lack sufficient retirement funds, or for those wanting to stay in their homes as long as possible.  The study notes that more than half of all working age householdsContinue Reading

All Back to Normal!!!

Office Closed Temporarily

Due to a residential gas leak next door, Hugg & Associates is temporarily closed. We hope to be back in our offices this afternoon and we apologize for any inconvenience.  Once we return to our office we will return phone calls to all who leave us a message. Thank you for your patience.


As discussed in previous posts, sorting through a parent or grandparent’s affairs and finances can be daunting, but planning ahead and making use of some tools and strategies to help organize and collect vital information can prevent a lot of stress later on.  Electronic storage of important documentation and record keeping can be very helpful.Continue Reading