Category Archives: Health Care

ACA Saving Money

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, the Affordable Care Act is apparently already saving people money.  The government has released a new report showing that insurance premiums in the Health Insurance Marketplace will be nearly 20% lower in 2014 than previously expected.  The ACA requires insurance companies to justify any premium rateContinue Reading

Health Care Subsidies

As many people already know, under the Affordable Care Act individuals and families who make less than certain threshold levels will be entitled to receive a subsidy to offset the cost of their health care insurance.  However, there is no “phase out” of the subsidy.  If you make even one dollar more than the allowableContinue Reading

Long Term Care Options

I recently read an article on about people asking their financial advisors to “make them poor” so they could qualify for Medicaid.  Medicaid is a joint Federal and State program that provides assistance with medical and long term care needs, among other things.  Some of the financial advisors interviewed for the article spoke ofContinue Reading