Traveling can be expensive. However, the costs can be kept low with a few simple strategies. First, prioritize where you would like to travel. You should also create a budget for your travels. Make sure that you have an approximate cost for your entire trip and that you have a little money as back up in case of emergencies. When booking a flight, see if there are any deals that give a discount on hotels. A fun way to travel is to participate in a home exchange where you swap homes with someone located in a place you want to travel. Look at websites like which has lots of homes available to rent and often are less expensive than a hotel. The people who rent such houses are usually very helpful if you have any questions about the area you are staying in and may have recommendations for places to see that are less touristy. Purchase travel insurance if going overseas, that way you won’t have to pay for unseen medical problems or injuries. Some insurance companies only charge $8-$15 a day, much less than what you would have to pay out of pocket for a broken bone. Also, use a credit card that does not charge foreign transaction fees or ones that have a hefty fee at the ATM.
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